Thursday, 25 March 2010

Im a Blogger!

Well, here it is, my first attempt at blogging! Please be patient with me, as this '40 something' dizzy brain of mine stretches to take in the new information that's being thrown at it!

I really think that I ought to just explain "Carrying Elephants" to those who do not understand ME/CFS that well. Some days, my body just feels like I have a rather overweight elephant sitting right up there on my shoulders, or having a piggyback! It can be a relentless crushing weight that makes simple jobs like cleaning your teeth or even breathing utterly exhausting (well elephants aren't small you know!!) But, most of the time, when you look at me you won't see my elephant, he hides behind my determination to get on as best I can. So you see smiles, and humour and confidence instead.
But, this blog is not all doom and gloom, ME/CFS is simply a part of my crazy, chaotic, thoughtful, sad, happy, carefree, scary, frustrating life!

I am modelling this blog on some that I follow, and more features will appear in the near future (as I learn what they are and how to use them!)
Well, I think i've got the basics covered-hold tight world, I may actually produce a blog worth reading in the near future!

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